Among those who Strongly Disapprove of President Trump, 57% also disapprove of removing statues that honor George Washington. Those findings come from an analysis of a JustTheNews.com national opinion survey conducted by Scott Rasmussen.
These results help explain why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden publicly opposed efforts to remove statues honoring early presidents who were also slave-owners. Both had earlier expressed support for taking down statues honoring honoring Confederate soldiers. Pelosi said the issue was not about slaveholding, but loyalty to the United States: “I do believe that if people have committed treason against the United States of America their statue should not be in the Capitol.”
Politically, as the party out of power, Democrats are hoping to draw support and energy from those who Strongly Disapprove of President Trump’s performance. However, that message could be complicated if those who most oppose the president come to see the Democrats embracing a policy of removing statues honoring George Washington and other early presidents. This represents significant block of voters. Seventeen percent (17%) of all voters Strongly Disapprove of President Trump and also Strongly Oppose efforts to take down statues honoring George Washington.
Overall, among all voters, the survey found that 24% favor removing the Washington statues while 65% are opposed.
Voters nationwide are evenly divided about removing statues honoring Confederate soldiers. There is a strong alignment between those who disapprove of the president and those who support removing statues honoring those who rebelled against the United States.
The JustTheNews.com survey found plurality support for removing statues honoring just one historical figure–Karl Marx.