51% Want Stricter Security on Future Trade and Travel With China

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Registered Voters believe the United States should require stricter security on future trade and travel with China. A Scott Rasmussen national survey found that 27% disagree and 22% are not sure.

By a 71% to 12% margin, Republicans think stricter security is needed. Among Independent voters, 48% want stricter security while 28% disagree. Democrats are evenly divided–37% say yes to stricter security and 40% say no.

Overall, 42% of Registered Voters believe that we need stricter security on future trade and travel with ALL nations. Thirty-four percent (34%) disagree and 25% are not sure.

Data released earlier showed that 47% believe China is primarily responsible for the coronavirus pandemic.

Looking ahead, should the United States require stricter security on future trade and travel with China?

51%    Yes

27%    No

22%    Not Sure

Okay… what about other nations? should the United States require stricter security on future trade and travel with all other nations?

42%    Yes

34%    No

25%    Not Sure

The survey of 1,000 Registered Voters was conducted by Scott Rasmussen using a mixed mode approach from March 26-28, 2020. Field work for the survey was conducted by RMG Research, Inc. Approximately 72% of the survey respondents were selected at random from lists of Registered Voters. The remainder were selected through Random Digital Engagement. Most were contacted online while 247 were contacted using automated phone polling techniques. Certain quotas were applied to the overall sample and lightly weighted by gender, age, race, and political party to reasonably reflect the nation’s population of Registered Voters. Other variables were reviewed to ensure that the final sample is representative of that population.



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